Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Independence Day...

On July 3rd, here in our hometown, the city has a firework display that happens just down the street from our house at the park and marina. In order to avoid crowds and do something memorable with our girls, we tried to see fireworks from our roof. I'm very scared of heights. Like, stupid scared. So, getting onto and off of the roof was the most dependent thing I have ever done on Independence Day. My poor husband may have bruises on his arms from my death grip and trouble sleeping after my threats of death "if I ever have to get on this roof again"...

But, all-in-all, it was fun times! Unfortunately, we could only hear the fireworks from our roof. So, that was worth it?

But, again, the girls had fun. So, that was worth it...

I guess there were a few fireworks that made it above the trees. :)

The rest of our 4th weekend was mostly good. We spent Friday out at my parents' house. We had a few fireworks to shoot off. This was the first year in several that we actually bought a few fireworks. I'm not usually a fan of blowing up our money, but we went for it this time and had some fun.

The fun part of fireworks are the beautiful displays and loud booms. The downside of fireworks are the loud booms. At least when you are a 7.5 pound dog. Ginger was NOT A FAN. In fact, she bolted the second they started and we did not find her for three days. It was a long, sad three days for us. We made many trips out to the country and we came back empty handed and afraid we'd seen the last of our little girl...

On Sunday morning, my Mom called and said a hungry, but otherwise unharmed little pup greeted her on the front porch. We were very glad and relieved and couldn't wait to pick her up. My Dad said she looked buff from running and surviving in the wild and all. She did seem to hold her head a little higher. We're just glad she's back home safe and sound. I think she liked those fireworks about as much as I liked climbing on the roof. Hey, Ginge, maybe next year you and I will just stay inside! :)

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