There is much to be done. She has an enormous amount of planning and packing to do. Some travel. And, most of all, a lot of fundraising. You can check out what's going on in more detail here.
So, we pray. And we cheer. And we pray. And we do whatever we can to help. Mike has some pretty amazing gifts and talents, so he's doing what he can to contribute. A couple of things on the horizon include: a local worship night and an album. Several of the folks of Community Life Church have hopped on board to make it happen!
All (as in 100%) of proceeds will go toward funding the eternal work that God has called Katherine to in Tanzania. And this is how we are each called - in some way - to international missions. We go. We pray. We give. Sometimes it's all of those things, and sometimes it's not. But it's always SOMETHING! We are simply thankful to be a part of advancing the gospel...however it looks!